Microdose: 50mg — 300mg
A microdose is sub-perceptual to mildly elevating with no visual effects. At the cellular level our products are working hard to boost your mood, energy, focus, performance and senses.
- Motivation
- Focus and clearer thinking
- Improved memory
- Mood enhancement
- Alleviation of stress, depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD and PTSD
- Creativity and flow
- Presence and peace
- Self-reflection, understanding and forgiveness
- Mindfulness and improved meditation
- Better exercise with improved performance, endurance and motivation
Potential Negatives
- Amplification of mood can be positive or negative
- Manic states — psychedelics are NOT recommended for sufferers of psychosis
- Increased neuroticism

Low Dose : 350mg – 750mg
A low dose is a more noticeable version of a microdose. You will feel all the positive benefits, but more pronounced.
- Mood enhancement, excitement and enjoyment of daily life
- Mindfulness and improved meditation
- Presence, calm and peace
- Self-reflection and understanding
- Flow states and creativity
- Clearer thinking and introspection
- Some mild visuals, if any
- Alleviation of stress, depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD and PTSD
- Heightened sensory awareness
Potential Negatives
- Manic states — psychedelics are NOT recommended for sufferers of psychosis
- Difficulty focussing or completing certain tasks
- Anxiety, irritability or restlessness
- Uncomfortable in social situations
- Amplification of mood can be positive or negative

Macrodose : 750mg – 1.5g
Also known as a ‘museum dose’ due to the fact you can participate comfortably in public spaces like museums; a macro dose has more pronounced effects without becoming a full psychedelic experience.
- Mood enhancement and euphoria
- Mild visuals
- Empathy
- Conversational
- Introspection
- Flow and creativity
- Heightened sensory awareness and appreciation for music and art.
- Distorted perception of time
- Dilated pupils
Potential Negatives
- Amplification of mood can be positive or negative
- Difficulty focussing
- Manic states — psychedelics are NOT recommended for sufferers of psychosis
- Uncomfortable in social situations

Moderate Dose : 2–4g
At a moderate dose you can expect a true psychedelic experience, including: distortions of shapes, colours, time and depth. However, you’ll still be aware of your surroundings — they will just be perceived differently!
Those new to psychedelics may want a ‘sitter’, i.e. an experienced sober person to accompany them and guide them through the new sensations they are having. Once you are accustomed to the experience, most are happy venturing to quiet parks and outside areas to experience nature in a way they have never done before.
- Deep and life-changing insights and self-reflection
- Flow states, creativity and ideas
- Heightened sensory awareness and appreciation for music and art
- Greater amusement or interest in surroundings
Synesthesia, the experience of one sense transferring to another i.e. seeing sound
- Euphoria
- Dilated pupils
- Distorted perception of time
Potential Negatives
- Amplification of mood can be positive or negative
- Yawning (psilocybin can have a drowsy effect, similar to marijuana)
- Disorientation due to changes in visual perception
- Difficulty completing cognitive tasks
- Dizziness and nausea
- Manic states — psychedelics are NOT recommended for sufferers of psychosis

Heroic Dose : 5g+
For the experienced Psychonaut, a heroic dose takes tripping to a new level. With a heroic dose, users experience: intense hallucinations, ego dissolution, mystical experiences and deep introspection,
Needless to say, heroic doses are far more disorienting as you lose your sense of time and surroundings. Along with the intense tripping, users can also experience intense feelings of wonder, euphoria and life-changing insights.
We recommend an experienced sitter be present and that you remain in a quiet, calm, controlled setting which is well-stocked with food and water to keep you comfortable during your trip.
- Mystical experience and feeling of spiritual connection and euphoria
- Deep and life-changing insights and self-reflection
- Ego dissolution — a feeling of disconnect from the self
- Strong visuals, both open- and closed-eye
- Synesthesia, the experience of one sense transferring to another i.e. seeing sound
- Loss of perception of time
Potential Negatives
- Amplification of mood can be positive or negative
- Disorientation due to changes in visual perception
- Difficulty completing cognitive tasks and controlling motor functions
- Dizziness and nausea
- Manic states — psychedelics are NOT recommended for sufferers of psychosis